Title: Lure of Darkness
ZdenkaPrompt: Drabbletag 6,
Silmarillion: Thuringwethil/Ungoliant - Darkness, requested by
afterandalasiaFandom: Silmarillion
Rating: T
Word count: 100
Summary: Thuringwethil is attracted by the danger of Nan Dungortheb.
Warnings: These characters are a vampire bat-woman and a giant evil spider.
Her favorite errands are the ones that take her over Nan Dungortheb. Here she knows there will be no burning sun, no glaring moon to pain her. She is wrapped in luxuriant darkness so deep not even her eyes can pierce it; she must guide herself with echoes like the bat she resembles.
She can dimly sense the massive shape stirring below her: her faceted eyes and deadly fangs, her insatiable hunger. Thuringwethil bares her own fangs as she swoops lower. To linger would be her death. Yet every time she passes through, she thinks of letting Ungoliant catch her.