Title: The Moon Is...
Author: Temari778
Fandom: The 100
Pairing: Raven/Octavia
Rating: PG
Prompt: Spacewalker
Word count: 150
Requested by
write-x-always "He didn't do it, you know," Raven said suddenly one night.
Octavia stopped sharpening her blade. The repetitive scraping sound was getting on Raven's nerves anyway. "Who didn't do what?" she asks.
Raven sits closer to the fire, the crackling loud in her ears as she clarifies, "Finn. He wasn't the one who spacewalked. He took the blame so I wouldn't get sent to prison." She wasn't sure why she said it. Her cup is filled with water, not moonshine. But, the confession seemed irrelevant now.
Octavia raises an eyebrow inquiringly. But, her eyes, they weren't judging.
Raven swallows hard, the smoke burning her nose. "I'm not confessing it because he's dead, really. It's..."
Octavia sheathes her blade. "Are you sure? Because he's not here to contradict you." She stands up. "Besides, don't you think you should be saying this to someone else?"
Raven's jaw clenches. "Never. Not to her."