Title: Fountain
Prompt: Drabbletag 6: Maleficent: Aurora/Maleficent - Fountain
Requested by:
killing_kurareFandom: Maleficent (2014)
Pairing: Aurora/Maleficent (Maleficent)
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Also on AO3.
The Moors are glad again. Flowers bloom, the sun shines, and the springs bubble and laugh as they did many years ago.
Aurora dances among the fountains, water that dances up from the earth cool as silk on a summer’s day. She twirls and laughs, her dress soaked through and clinging to her skin, as Maleficent sits upon the grass nearby and watches with an indulgent smile.
Hoiking up her wet skirt, Aurora runs back again, and casts herself to the ground to lay her head on Maleficent’s lap. “It is so beautiful.”
Maleficent smiles. “As are you, my beastie.”