Drabbletag6, Arrow, Cupid/Sara, romance

Jul 22, 2015 23:48

Title: The Restless
Author: Temari778
Fandom: Arrow
Pairing: Cupid/Sara
Rating: PG
Prompt: Romance
Word Count: 222
Requested by swan-secrets

Carrie stirs her tea with the tip of her finger. She licks it off and grimaces, pours more sugar in it.

Sara tried not to watch, but when she did, it made her shudder. They way Carried looked at her before...

"I was told you were dead," Carrie says casually, stirring her tea again.

"I was," Sara admits. But, the second time had been real. Not just presumed dead like the first time.

She looks at her, an odd glint in her eye. "So, how you'd come back? Are you a zombie now?"

Sara chuckles. "I would look and smell pretty bad if I was." She pauses, then, "But I don't know how I came back..."

Carrie sips her tea. "So, you don't remember, huh? That's too bad.

Sara presses her lips tightly together, hides her fists in her sleeves. She swallows. "I don't know." She looks up at the moon. The two of them sitting under its light, drinking tea, anyone would that this was romantic. But, it could hardly be considered that.

Carrie drinks more of her tea. "So where were you when you came back to life?" she asks, sounding genuinely curious. But, there was something strange in her tone.

She answers her anyway, "About a foot from my grave."

Carrie is looking straight at her, unflinching. "Very interesting."

drabbletag6, author: temari778, fandom: arrow

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