Title: Stop Motion
Drabbletag 6 - Legos
Fandom: Scream (TV series)
Pairing: Audrey/Rachael
Rating: G
Word count: 250
Notes: Character spoilers for Scream, set before Pilot
“I’m trying to concentrate,” Rachael hisses, and she’s not going to smile, she’s totally not. Except, well, she already is, because Audrey’s fingers are dancing up her spine, making her squirm.
Okay, it’s Audrey, so her fingers aren’t so much ‘dancing’ as they are ‘stomping with attitude’. Either way, it still tickles.
“How much longer?” Audrey huffs, and the warmth of her breath against Rachael’s ear is way too distracting.
Rachael knows Audrey is perfectly capable of patience, especially when it comes to film, even something as painstakingly slow as stop motion. So she’s being bratty for the sake of it and, oh, Rachael’s smiling again.
She smiles a lot around Audrey, and it’s only thanks to that fact that she’s realised how little she smiled before Audrey came into her life.
Getting misty-eyed is really not going to help her concentration, though, so she focuses on the multicoloured plastic held between her fingers instead. “Perfection takes time,” she says firmly, adding another streak of blood-red paint to the teeny Lego face staring up at her.
“Alright, Scorsese,” Audrey teases, pressing a kiss to the back of Rachael’s neck that makes her shiver.
Rachael bites her lip, and she’s still smiling. As long as Audrey’s with her, Rachael thinks she might never stop.
“Let me get this shot,” she grins playfully, still focused on the Lego instead of Audrey, “and maybe I’ll give you a reward for waiting.”
She doesn’t need to look to know Audrey’s smiling just as wide.