Title: Inert
Author: Swan_Secrets
Prompt: Disappointment
Fandom: Defiance
Pairing: Amanda/Berlin
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 130
"That was..." Berlin glanced over at Amanda.
"Yeah," Amanda sighed and pulled the sheets up over her nakedness.
Berlin crossed her arms over her own breasts. For a few seconds they looked anywhere but at each other.
"We have zero chemistry," Berlin said finally.
"It felt like we should but...it just didn't..."
They were both confused, and Amanda was embarrassed.
"Well, I guess now we know." Berlin got out of bed and start getting dressed. Amanda watched her. It certainly wasn't that she didn't find Berlin attractive. She had a gorgeous body that even now Amanda admired.
In awkward quiet Berlin finished dressing then as she left gave Amanda a smile. "See you around."
Amanda sighed, unsatisfied.
Maybe a little Blue Devil would get her night back on track...
Title: Unfair
Author: Swan_Secrets
Prompt: Conscience
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing: Buffy/Faith (+ Faith/Omc)
Rating: R-ish
Word count: 250
Faith dressed quickly, leaving the guy (Rick? Mike? Matt?) snoring in the well worn motel room bed.
She pulled on her ripped black jeans (no underwear), her bra, her top, her sweet leather jacket, and then she was outta there.
Faith felt weird.
Walking down the street she checked her cell, there was a text from B: Coming over 2nite?
The weird feeling got stronger.
The guy (Ray it was Ray for sure) had been cute and built and the right mix of cocky and funny. He'd bought her drinks and said the right things and so she'd gone with him and she'd fucked him and it felt good and dirty in all the right ways. He'd kept up as good as any guy could without superpowers.
It was too late to reply to Buffy. Or was it? She'd maybe still be up if she'd met anything on patrol.
Faith couldn't shake it off. A strange kind of heavy in her chest and this pressure at the back of her mind like...
Oh shit.
Faith stopped in her tracks.
It was guilt. And that wasn't right. It wasn't fair. Sure she was doing the sexy with Buffy, but that didn't mean...
Faith wasn't sure what worried her most, the fact that her conscience was getting to her or that it was Buffy who had brought it out.
It wasn't like she was in love with Buffy or anything.
No fucking way that could happen.
She replied to Buffy.
Still up?