Title: There Will Be A Test
Author: Swan_Secrets
Prompt: Training
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Bellatrix/Pansy
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 225
"You'll have a slut of your own one day," Bellatrix said. "A snivelling little whore for you to boss around all you like."
Pansy didn't reply.
"But right now, you are my plaything. I hope you're paying attention. There will be a test when we're finished and believe me, it's not something you want to fail. Got it?"
Pansy didn't reply.
Bellatrix smacked Pansy's red and bruised behind. Then she laughed. "Silly me."
Pansy was being suspended from the ceiling by thick, thorny, vines. The little barbs had peppered Pansy's wrists with little cuts with streaks of blood down her arms and legs. Pansy was facing the floor and completely naked.
Bellatrix pulled her wand out out from Pansy's arsehole where she had left it. She walked around her toy and tapped the space below Pansy's nose where her mouth had been.
Pansy's mouth emerged from the smooth skin and she whimpered. "I will not fail mistress."
"I know you won't," Bellatrix smiled and petted the top of Pansy's head. "If you do you'll find out about the fourth unforgivable curse."
Pansy knew better than to ask.
Bellatrix used her fingernails to pinch Pansy's nipples, squeezing hard until tears filled Pansy's eyes. "Now," Bellatrix moved her hands away and clapped them together. "I think it's time I showed you something really kinky, do pay attention."