Title: Failing Hard...
Prompt: game night
Fandom: Lost Girl
Pairing: Evony/Lauren
Rating: G
Word count: 104
Summary: Evony keeps losing at games...
Evony keeps losing at games, computer, board... card. It doesn't matter what she does, she fails. She fails hard.
"Dammit. I just... I quit."
Lauren half-smiles, nudges her gently and mutters a softly reassuring few words, her lips inches from Evony's ear, her breath light against Evony's ear and Evony sighs, pulling Lauren closer. She hates game night... but she loves this... annoying human who refuses to leave her alone to wallow in self-pity. Lauren's voice is light as she speaks.
"I think maybe we should leave it there..."
Lauren is always kind to her... which even though Evony hates her for being so determined, she loves that Lauren isn't cruel.