Title: Whatever You Want
Fandom: Agents of SHIELD
Prompt: Drabble Tag #6 (#86): Bobbi/Jemma: Exploration by
4kennedy & drabble cycle: kinks | table 30A prompt #10: dirty talk
Rating: E
Length: 180w
{on ao3
here }
Title: All in the Wrist
Fandom: Gossip Girl
Prompt: Drabble Tag #6 (#87): Blair/Serena: Comfort by
vitiate_me & drabble cycle: kinks | table 30A prompt #15: humiliation/shame
Rating: T
Length: 250w
Spoiler alert, Upper East Side: B's new "beau" est très belle. And yes, my francophone amies, you read that correctly, belle! Looks like this Waldorf apple really hasn't fallen far from the tree...
xoxo, Gossip Girl
~you know you love me~ }
side note: you should check out the franken femslash
fest over at
femslashagenda ;)