Drabbletag 6: Hunger Games: Annie/Johanna - salt

Sep 30, 2015 16:42

Title: Washed Clean
Prompt: Hunger Games: Annie/Johanna - salt
Requested by:
Fandom: Hunger Games
Pairing: Annie Cresta/Johanna Mason
Rating: G
Word Count: 123
Also on AO3.

Saltwater always burns as it washes a wound clean.

It was for the child, Johanna had said. She wasn't letting any child of Finnick's grow up without an axe-wielding, ass-kicking fairy godmother to watch over them.

It was true, at first.

Then she walked at Annie's side as they soothed the boy through teething, laughed with equal triumph as they taught him to walk, went into the sea together to teach him to swim.

It hurts to see Finnick in the boy's hair, hear him in a laugh. To live here, in Finnick's district and his shadow, even if there was nothing left in District 7 for her to return to.

But Annie made it worth it, the saltwater to clean her wounds.

drabbletag6, author: afterandalasia, fandom: the hunger games

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