Title: Little Spare Time
Author: Temari778
Fandom: Gotham
Pairing: Barbara/Renee
Rating: PG
Prompt: College
Word Count: 150
Requested by
fresh-brainss Renee stubs out her cigarette, but instead of lighting another one (she has a habit of chain smoking while doing mathematics work), she peers over at Barbara.
She's laying upside down on her bed, her feet propped on the wall, ignoring her literature papers, downing another shot of vodka. Barbara catches Renee's gaze. "What?" She's already slurring.
"Prof's gonna be pissed if don't have that done by tomorrow," Renee remarks, going back to work.
Barbara giggles like a high school girl. "My parents signed me up without asking."
"Because your parents are the ones paying your tuition," Renee says snidely. "And everything else."
But, Barbara is too drunk to understand her tone of voice, or doesn't care. "Screw them." She takes a deep swig straight from the bottle, swallows. "It's a waste of money and we all know it."
Renee wonders why she's the one who got stuck with her.
Title: Lace and Straps
Author: Temari778
Fandom: Gotham
Pairing: Fish/Liza
Rating: M
Prompt: Lessons
Word Count: 123
Requested by
salmon-pink The straps of Liza's bra slip from her shoulders, the sudden cold air making her nipples shrivel and harden. She twitches ever so slightly.
Fish sees that, but instead of reprimanding her, she cups her hand around Liza's right breast. She can feel her shudder as Fish squeezes it with her fuchsia-colored talons.
Liza utters a barely audible moan.
"What you need to remember," Fish instructs, "is that you shouldn't undress yourself unless that's what he wants. Understand?"
Liza swallows, nods silently.
Fish purses her lips, tightens her grip until her thumbnail is about to break the tender flesh. "Understand?"
Liza yelps. "Yes, Ms. Mooney!"
Fish decides to relish her pained expression, just a bit, then eases her fingers.
"Good, now turn around."