Here's a few prompts to kick off Drabble Tag 7. Some are from last round and some are new ones that I added, especially ones from newer fandoms. Please post your fills here--your fic does not need to go here, but at least link to your fill in your reply, and then add your prompts.
Rules Post Fandom Discussion post Filled Prompts A- F Filled
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1. Crossovers, Disney/Once Upon A Time: Jasmine/Jack - Queen of Thieves
2. Disney: Elsa/Anna - building a new life together in the 21st century
3. Disney: Duchess/Any - catnip
Fill: Ghostbusters (2016): Abby/Erin - high school - requested by madampresident
1. Ghostbusters: Patty/Holtzmann - belief
2. Ghostbusters: Abby/Erin - I believe in you.
3. Ghostusters: Patty/Holtzmann - protection
Fill: Once Upon a Time: Emma/Regina - power - requested by 4kennedy
1. Once Upon A Time: Emma/Regina - sharing pastries
2. Once Upon A Time: Emma/Regina - frosting
3. Once Upon A Time: Snow/Ruby - lick
Fill: X-Men: Jean Grey/Storm - lightning - requested by femme_slash_fan
1. X-Men: Destiny/Mystique - remembering
2. X-Men: Domino/Any - gun play
3. X-Men: Storm/Any - riding the storm bare back
Fill: DrabbleTag6: Disney: Aurora/Rapunzel - Unprepared - requested by afterandalasia1. The Magnificent Seven: Inez/Mary - prayer ( ... )
Question, though: What about the pairings with "any" and the crossover pairings? Should "Any" come before the listed character? With the crossovers, I figure you probably want the fandoms to be alphabetized, but does that affect the way you want the characters listed or still just alphabetize them like normal? Thanks, and thank you very, very much for all the hard work you put into running such a fun and safe (I've never had a problem here) comm!
When it comes to "any" prompts, I do prefer the "any" to come before the character. And when it comes to crossovers, I tend to alphabetize the fandoms and not mind either way which character comes first. Hope this helps!
Shadowhunters: Clary/Isabelle - nerdy
Star Wars: The Force Awakens: Jessika/Rey - destiny
Teen Wolf: Claudia/Melissa - winter
Dead of Summer: Amy/Jessie- Fighting
The Walking Dead: Denise/Tara- Meeting Again
Spy: Rayna/Susan - undercover
Once Upon A Time: Emma/Snow White - disobedient
Once Upon A Time: Emma/Ingrid - sweet
The Descent: Juno/Sarah - honesty
Ever After High: Apple/Ashlynn/Briar - loyalty
Ghostbusters (2016): Abby/Erin - senior year
Harry Potter: Daphne/Pansy - diamonds
Harry Potter: Daphne/Pansy - firewhiskey
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