Title: Fever Dreams
Fandom/Claim: Noir
Pairings: Altena/Mireille (sort of)
Rating: PG
Words: 100
Altena dreams of Mireille Bouquet on her knees.
A little princess sent out into a world awash with sin, she will weather the storm or she will break apart in the onslaught.
She is weak, Chloe insists, jealous and heartsick. But her little Chloe does not see what she sees:
In her mind, a rising goddess, the tides of fate turning and swirling around her ankles. And Mireille is there, head bowed in supplication before her.
They say power is like a drug. No drug-inspired madness was ever so dangerous as the visions that slip and twist behind Altena's eyes.