Title: In The Chapel
Author: Swan_Secrets
Prompt: Marry Me Instead.
Fandom: Once Upon A Time
Pairings: Red/Snow
Rating: G
Word count: 100
"Marry me instead."
Is what she should have said.
But Red remained silent in the chapel.
She watched Snow say her vows.
She held back her tears somehow.
Stoic and devastated in the chapel.
She pretended to enjoy the festive delights.
Red drank way too much that night.
Regretting her silence in the chapel.
Alone in her bed, Red wished she’d had courage and said:
"I love you Snow, marry me instead."
It would have shocked everyone in the chapel.
Red dreamed she'd been brave.
That she'd married the princess she craves.
Red wished she'd married Snow in the chapel.