Title: The Only Person I Flirt With Is You
Author: Swan_Secrets
Prompt: Possessive
Fandom: Once Upon A Time
Pairings: Emma/Snow
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 250
Warning: Incest
"I noticed you flirting earlier," Snow said as they were clearing up after dinner.
"With who?" Emma asked, and by Snow's reaction realised that was the wrong response.
"Why don't you tell me all the people you've been flirting with and I'll tell you who I saw you with?"
Emma put down the plate she’d been drying and put her arms around Snow's waist. "The only person I flirt with is you."
"Really? You and Regina looked pretty cosy outside the Sheriff's Office after lunch." Snow wasn't really mad, Emma could tell, but there was an edge to the questioning.
"Regina was telling me about Henry and his little crush, that's all. It's cute that you were jealous."
"I wasn’t jealous," Snow said quickly and defensively.
Snow shook her head. "No way."
"That's a pity," Emma sighed theatrically.
"Because if you were feeling really jealous and possessive I might just have to make it up to you, show you that I’m all yours." Emma drew her in closer.
Snow licked her lips, eyes darkening. "You know thinking about it I think I am jealous. Really really really jealous."
Emma couldn't suppress her grin. "You are? However can I prove to you you're the only one I want?"
Snow leaned in close, the tips of her fingers brushed along the waistband of Emma’s jeans. "You can..."
"Yes?" Emma whispered, their lips almost touching.
"Finish the dishes," Snow laughed and pulled away.
"I guess I had that coming," Emma sighed.
Title: Mine
Author: Swan_Secrets
Prompt: Possessive
Fandom: Once Upon A Time
Pairings: dark!Emma/Snow (implied dark!Emma/Charming)
Rating: R
Word count: 250
Warning: Incest
Emma Swan, the Dark One, stepped back to admire the collar she had just put around Snow's neck. It was black and silver. There was a shiny silver swan right on the front of it, right at Snow's throat.
Snow was standing, straight and proud, with her hands clasped behind her back and her feet apart.
"You will wear it until I tell you to remove it," Emma said, pacing around Snow. She was wearing her black leathers and tight black pants.
"Yes mistress," Snow replied. Apart from the collar Snow was completely naked.
"It shows everyone that you're mine," Emma ghosted her fingers up Snow's spine as she passed. Snow closed her eyes at the touch. Emma stopped in front of Snow. "You look much better in yours than daddy looks in his."
"Thank you mistress."
Emma hooked her finger under the collar and pulled Snow to her. She kissed Snow’s mouth, fierce and possessive. Silver-grey smoke enveloped them. When it cleared Emma was naked too and they were standing beside her bed.
The bed was a black and silver gothic affair. The head and footboard were covered in elaborate erotic carvings. Naked men and woman entangled in all kinds of positions.
Emma was pleased to note the way Snow was looking at her naked body, like she was desperate to touch her. Emma got on the bed, on her back, legs spread.
"Why don't you show me how grateful you are for your new collar mommy?"
"Yes mistress."