Title: Sacred
Prompt: New Girl: Cece/Jess/Reagan - dare
Requested By:
clockwork_hart1Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Summary: Nick dares Jess
“I have never backed down from a dare.” Jess insisted. “Some things are sacred.”
“Jess. Do not play this game with Nick.” Schmidt implored. “No good can come of this.”
“Kiss Cece.”
“Nick…” Schmidt rolled his eyes.
Jess grabbed and kissed a surprised Cece. “We used to practice on each other.”
“Say what now?” Schmidt’s eyebrows went up.
“Fine. Kiss Reagan.” Nick smirked.
“Hm?” She looked up, having been ignoring the crazy.
Jess took Reagan by the sweatshirt and kissed her firmly. Reagan relaxed into it, cupping Jess’s cheek, deepening the kiss and moaning softly as Nick and Schmidt gaped.