Title: All Dolled Up
Prompt: Cowboy Bebop: Faye/Julia - fancy, requested by
killing_kurareFandom: Cowboy Bebop
Pairing: Faye/Julia
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
Summary: Takes place in a very undefined AU where Faye and Julia are bounty hunting partners.
"Ready when you are," Faye calls, tugging artfully at her dress as she steps from her room. They don't do nearly enough dressing up, so she went all out. She grins, anticipating the look on her partner's face.
Footsteps announce Julia's arrival. Faye straightens, leans back to display herself against her doorway-- and finds the doorway the only thing keeping her upright. Julia's black gown, conservative at a glance, invites the imagination on a guided tour of her body; her hair is swept back for once, exposing the elegant lines of her neck.
They don't do nearly enough dressing up.
Title: Feel the Electricity
Prompt: Jem and the Holograms (any): Kimber/Stormer - electric, requested by
cockrobinkillerFandom: Jem and the Holograms (IDW)
Pairing: Kimber/Stormer
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
Being with Stormer is a lot like being electrocuted, if being electrocuted could be a good thing. She takes Kimber's hand and affection buzzes beneath the skin of Kimber's palm, crackles under her fingernails; she smiles and it intensifies, coursing through her entire body in waves.
Then Stormer puts a hand to Kimber's cheek, leans up on the balls of her feet to meet Kimber in a kiss. It sings through Kimber's every nerve from head to toe and the lights may as well go out for all that Kimber can see beyond the sparks going off behind her eyes..
Title: In Her Smile
Prompt: Star Wars: TFA: Jessika/Rey - smile, requested by
fresh_brainssFandom: Star Wars
Pairing: Jessika/Rey
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Already in the short time she's been among them, fact and rumor swirl together at her heels. They scent the air, inhaled and breathed out in whispers behind her back.
So, yes, Jessika knows of the girl who flew the Millenium Falcon, who slipped Kylo Ren's grasp, who wields Skywalker's lightsaber. The girl who's going to bring Skywalker back.
But the girl who smiles when she glances up to see her, wan but warm-- Jessika isn't sure she's heard of her. She'd like to meet her, though.
"Hi," she says, offering a smile of her own. "You must be Rey."