Title: Butterflies
Author: Swan_Secrets
Prompt: Butterflies
Fandom: Supergirl
Pairings: Alex/Maggie
Rating: G
Word count: 250
It wasn't like she hadn't ever been on a date before.
Well, actually, she kind of hadn't.
Alex looked at herself in the mirror. It was the third dress she'd put on and she thought she looked good, but was it first official date good? She wanted to totally blow Maggie away, was this dress the one to do that? Was any dress?
"Okay, she likes you, she already said she likes you," Alex told herself. She had butterflies in her stomach, she'd had them all day. She kicked ass for a living and going out on a date made her more nervous than any mission.
Her first date with a girl.
Her first date with the girl she was so crazy about it had propelled her to this amazing journey of self-discovery and it was amazing and scary and...
"God even in your head you’re babbling," she said to her reflection. “And you’re talking to yourself.”
Nervous as she was Alex was excited too. It was a step in exploring who she was, and spending time with Maggie was the best thing in the world.
She adjusted her dress. The new lacy lingerie she’d bought for the occasion (in anticipation of another huge first time event) felt comfortable. Yes. She looked great. She felt great.
Maggie. Beautiful, fun, amazing, sexy and...
Knock knock.
Alex smiled at her reflection and liked how it looked on her. She was still smiling when she opened the door.
Maggie was smiling too.