Title: Strangely Alluring
sparklebunnyPrompt: Crazy - (from
Fandom: Weeds
Pairing: Nancy/Celia
Rating: M 15+
Word count: 113
Pussy skeeved her, and Celia was always the first to admit that. Just the thought of burying her head between a woman's legs made her fucking ill. Yet, there was something about Nancy Botwin that made Celia's body tingle and her heart race whenever she was near. Maybe it was the coy way in which Nancy would always smile, so innocent, so girlishly, or, the way Nancy's arse fit so snuggly into a pair of jeans. Celia couldn't quite put her finger on it, but she did know that despite her distate for the lesbian lifestyle, if Nancy ever offered her a little girl play then she'd be crazy not to hit it.