Title: The Definition of Alone
Author: Alex (
Prompt: "Alone" --
bohemian21Fandom: Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants
Pairing: Tibby/Bee
Rating: PG
Word Count: 181
"Alone" with the other girls meant different things depending on who it was.
With Carmen, "alone" meant running, playful arguements until one of the responses would send them off into fits of laughter, a lot of junk food, and loud TV or music -- alone with Carmen was like typical teen-girl friendship, just like Carmen was a typical teen-girl.
With Lena, "alone" mean almost complete silence, constant touching (even if it was just their knees as they sat across from each other), and a silent but powerful sense of friendship -- alone with Lena felt like sisters, like calm, like comfort, just like Lena was the rock in her sea of rebellion.
With Bee, "alone" meant laughing and wresting and tickling, it meant eventually falling backwards onto the bed with Bee's arms around her neck, it meant kisses and sometimes touches that would take her breath away -- alone with Bee felt out-of-control and wild, just like Bee herself, but it also felt a little like something morethanfriends, something Tibby wanted to continue and also wanted to go away.