Title: In Some Other Universe
Prompt: 'alert' by
sparklebunnyFandom: Farscape
Pairing: Chiana/Aeryn
Rating: PG
Word count: 200
A/N: I did watch this show for about two seasons. I hope I'm not contradicting canon.
Chiana doesn't get nearly enough chances to indulge on this ship. There's no receptive vial to pleasure but her, she feels - there are so many knots and blocks, so many bad memories or misplaced senses of obligation - such strange reasons her shipmates have found not to reach for joy. Rygel probably would, but uh, Rygel.
'I swear,' she mumbles into Aeryn's skin one day when, exhausted and drunk (one of them more so), they find themselves making an unsteady way, cheek to shoulder, through the living corridors. She presses her nose on Aeryn's neck, and draws in her warm scent.
'What do you swear?' says Aeryn, dry amused voice like stretched leather.
'I swear - if only you and Crichton would get over yourselves - if only you weren't so uptight - I'd climb in your bed some night and force you to loosen up.'
Aeryn smiles against her hair, unseen and secret, and doesn't say, "I'd like that."
...Doesn't say it, because she's not drunk enough to be that careless, and there's still a lot to work out, and a lot of the self she's built up would have to go first.
But she would like it, she realizes, a great deal.