Title: Common Knowledge
Fandom: Wire in the Blood
Pairing: Paula/Alex
Rating: PG
Prompt: "shelter" for
sparklebunnyWords: 250
A man once said to Paula: "It takes a certain kind of woman to do a job like this."
He was her superior (at the time) and he was an idiot (still is) and was chatting her up (or trying to) so she didn't bother telling him how wrong he was.
It takes all sorts. And people just deal with it best they can, men and women alike - go home and kiss their kids goodnight, go to church, go out and get pissed and try to forget about it - whatever works.
It takes its toll, eventually.
Day after day, the bodies of young women pile up and if she finds herself looking differently at men on the street, at the men she works side by side with, who could blame her? It takes all sorts, yes, but this knowledge in her eyes is in all their eyes. It's something they all share, the women who do this.
"Fancy a drink?" she'll say.
Most of the time Alex heads straight home to her son, but sometimes there'll be a table in a corner and a glass cool in her hands, and Alex across from her, hair falling in her eyes.
They don't talk much.
Dead girls, and knowing what people can do to each other - at the end of it all there's not much to say.
One of these days, though, Paula's going to work up the nerve to make a move on Alex. See what else they have in common.