Drabbletag - The West Wing - Donna/Ainsley

Oct 03, 2006 18:57

Title: Seven Positions
Fandom: The West Wing
Pairing: Donna/Ainsley
Prompt: Humour by bohemian21
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: Slight spoilers for The Portland Trip. Like, really slight. Crossposted to my journal.

Donna stood in the doorway to Ainsley’s office. “I hear trombonists can do it in seven positions. You wanna show me?”

Ainsley stared at Donna. “Excuse me?”

Donna entered the room. “It was a joke. You’re a trombone player. You can play trombone in seven positions. It was a big joke in high school. I thought - oh nevermind.”

Ainsley smiled. “Maybe since I’m a Republican I just don’t get your humor.”

“Or maybe since we’re not in high school.”

“That could be it too.” Ainsley stood up and winked at Donna. “Next time, cut the joke. Just ask for sex.”


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