Title: Without a Trace
frogfrizzFandom: Voyager/Battlestar Galactica
Pairing: Janeway/Roslin
Rating: G
Prompt: Sorrow - by
selenay_x Word count: 100
A/N: To Sels, my beta, who I am grateful to beyond words. I don't know how else to repay you.
Summary: Questions at the end of the world.
Save yourself, her eyes plead. Your fist is on the release button, your other hand against the airlock window. The escape hatch loosens like a grape picked from Galactica’s stalk.
You watch as remnants of the Colonies fall into space.
Just as quickly, you’re back in the pristine surroundings of Voyager’s transporter room. The change bites hard.
Thoughts snap into motion and you wonder if she knows you’re alive. You wonder if contacting her is an option. You wonder…
If misery had such green eyes, and love, such soft limbs, would you dare let her feel the pain of ignorance?