Title: Not So Different
Fandom: The West Wing
Pairing: CJ/Annabeth
Prompt: Differences for
faithinthepoorRating: PG to PG-13
Word Count: 100
Author's Note: Slight spoilers for season 6. I hope I didn't get them confused, it's been a while since I've seen season 6. Crossposted to my journal.
Their differences were many. Obviously, there was the height issue. CJ was so much taller than Annabeth that she’d questioned if they were the same species. Annabeth had been a beauty pageant contestant. CJ scoffed at the idea. Annabeth was overly perky and very giggly. CJ’s wit was dry and she was feisty maybe, but not perky.
Yet in the darkness of their bedrooms when their clothes fell together onto one messy pile, and their limbs tangled together with the sheets, their differences didn’t seem to matter so much anymore. Instead, they seemed to fit.
Not so different after all.