Title: Feels Like...
Author: Alex (
Prompt: "Silk" by
frogfrizzFandom: Firefly
Pairing: River/Inara
Rating: Light R.
Word count: 133
Summary: "Inara's shuttle feels the best."
Everyone on Serenity feels different, and Serenity keeps the feel of their feet and their hands and their clothes on the floor inside her, and it's all right there to share the experience if only they really tried. And Inara's shuttle feels the best: feels like smooth and beauty, feels like the scent of lavender walking, feels like silk brushing the floor as she undresses. Feels like 'Nara feels, when I'm kissing her, when I'm touching her, feels like what I feel when I get to go in her, wet and smooth. Feels like her fingers in me, smooth, no ragged nails, round and long and skinny and talented. Feels like her arms around me after, protective as a mama bear, covering as a dress, and softer'n silk.