Title - Just a Handful of Magic Beans
Prompt - Maybe It's Really Magic, from
girlie_girl_23Fandom - Into The Woods
Pairing - The Witch/The Baker's Wife
Word Count - 227 words (sorry it's a little long)
Rating - PG13 (if that)
She watched them rolling in the grass, the Shrewd One and the Spineless Prince. She watched as her life, her world, her chance at freedom slipped through her fingers, and she seethed. This one, this shrewd wife of a hapless baker--the Witch watched as she flaunted her marriage vows for a moment of bliss with a handsome stranger.
She watched as he kissed her, pressing her own lips in thought to that pure white skin. She watched his hands roam, and her own fingertips--no longer gnarled, no longer grotesque, but relieved of the phenomenal power they once held--longed to be where he were.
It started with a handful of beans, bartered for a cow, taken by a simpleton to his mother, who threw them carelessly aside. The towering, raging giants, the deaths that had come, the deaths still to come, and this heartbreak of infidelity--all from a handful of beans.
She watched as the Prince and the Baker's Wife composed themselves, as he tossed the woman carelessly aside. She watched, helpless even to warn her, as the giant came down upon the Baker's Wife.
Her heart, which she knew to be cold and without pity, broke a little at the sight.
Yes, my dear, she thought as the others rushed upon them, to mourn, to rage, to panic. Maybe they were really magic.