Title: The Free-Rider Problem
Author: arjuna_lj
Prompt: 04:00 / insomnia
Fandom: The Bill
Chrono: around Ep #282
Pairing: Gina Gold/Amber Johanssen
Rating: PG
Words: 100
Gina's never hidden who she is. Oh, there were times - inevitable, given the nature
of the Met - when discretion was necessary. But it never stopped her fighting.
That all those years of bullshit paid off, let the Gemmas of the world shine, evokes
in her a fierce and lasting joy. The Ambers, on the other hand...
PC Johannsen flaunts it like a chav's handbag, changing to suit the prevailing wind.
She's lazy and sly; the world's hers by right. Queer when it suits her. When it helps.
Gina wanted to change the world. Amber just wants.
Bloody nice arse though.
Title: 92 Heatwave, A 22 Stretch Inside
Author: arjuna_lj
Prompt: 05:00 / contemporary
Fandom: The Bill
Chrono: Ep #287
Pairing: Gina Gold/Amber Johanssen
Rating: PG
Words: 100
Given a whole two days without PC Johanssen, Gina finds herself missing the silly
little cow. Compared to Andrea and Kennedy and that prick Fairfax, she's practically
light relief.
Advanced driving, dear God. The idea of that creature behind the wheel of a Panda is
frightening, to say the least. Not to worry: Amber drinks. Amber drives. Amber
fails the test.
Fancy landing the only dyke instructor in the joint with no bloody taste. Which isn't
quite how she puts it to Gina, surprise, surprise. They both know what she's leaving out.
Gina tears her a new one, but half-heartedly.
Title: Feels Like Karma
Author: arjuna_lj
Prompt: 06:00 / dawn
Fandom: The Bill
Chrono: between Ep #288 and Ep #294
Pairing: Gina Gold/Amber Johanssen
Rating: PG-13 (coarse language)
Words: 100
Gina's one of the lucky ones. She keeps telling herself that.
It's been a cunt of a year. Two bombs. Three officers dead, one in psychiatric. One
raped, one raping. *Allegedly*. Three up on charges of violence. And that's just
the uniforms.
Watching Reg and Manson, cops that lost *lovers*, is the last straw. Just this bloody
once, she thinks, I'm going to knock off early. Find a nice little pub on Stafford
Row's patch, pick myself up some hot little piece and remember what it's all about.
Sod the doctors. It's only a frigging pap test, after all.
Title: Répondez, s'il vous plait
Author: arjuna_lj
Prompt: 07:00 / awakened
Fandom: The Bill
Chrono: post-Ep #295
Pairing: Gina Gold/Amber Johanssen
Rating: PG
Words: 100
Research isn't Amber's strong point. Neither's compassion. She thinks of Gina's
illness as something permanent and dirty.
Exciting, though. Part of her wants to take the Inspector in her arms, heroically,
and hold her while she cries. Another aches for the chance to find her weak, slap her
with a "pull yourself together, ma'am!". A third wonders idly which pair of shoes
would be best for the funeral.
Amber's never lost anything dearer than a day's pay. Maybe a pet. *Whatever*. You
get over it, right?
Three drinks later, she's in the bogs, crying to a stranger. It feels ...expected.