Title: Repeating the Holy Names in the Low Room
Author: arjuna_lj
Prompt: 08:00 / heyday
Fandom: The Bill
Chrono: Ep #296
Pairing: Gina Gold/Amber Johanssen
Rating: PG
Words: 100
There's a reason Smithy's the only person Gina tells. Once a squaddie, always a
rampaging hierarch; behind all the - infuriatingly sensible -- protestations he
understands completely why she can't go public. Nobody wins when myths collide, and
the big C has just that little bit more oomph than her indestructibility.
She handwaves the prognosis, caring more about how the fuck to make treatment. Once a
day, they say, for two months. The nick's chaotic enough even when she is on the premises.
Privacy assured, her focus returns.
When Amber guesses, she thinks only: perhaps she'll make a copper after all.
Title: Short Skirt, Long Jacket
Author: arjuna_lj
Prompt: 09:00 / planned
Fandom: The Bill
Chrono: post-Ep #306
Pairing: Gina Gold/Amber Johanssen
Rating: PG
Words: 100
Amber declines the relief's half-hearted invitation to drinks, and waits outside the
nick. Gina emerges eventually, walking slowly and with dignity. She looks awful.
Amber says as much, without thinking.
It's the first honest thing Gina's ever heard her say. She laughs, surprising them
both, and lets herself be helped to the car. Trying not to smile at the production
Amber makes of it all.
-- It's not catching, you know.
Exhausted, Gina accepts the inevitable offer to drive. She can't be arsed hiding her
relief. And when at the hospital Amber offers to wait, she says - why not.
Title: Goes Far, Flies Near
Author: arjuna_lj
Prompt: 10:00 / wristwatch
Fandom: The Bill
Chrono: post-Ep #306
Pairing: Gina Gold/Amber Johanssen
Rating: PG
Words: 100
Gina can forgive stupidity. Intransigent refusal to use one's common sense,
however... The dishevelled, middle-aged woman looking back at her ought to bloody
well know better. She should send that chavvy little trollop packing, chop-chop.
File ...this... away under too much fucking radiation. Get on with her life.
On the other hand, she's smiling.
-- God, ma'am, this shower's crap.
-- Gina, she calls over her shoulder. - I'm not ma'am till I've got me knickers on.
The taps squeal. Amber emerges, public persona firmly in place. Which reduces her
appeal considerably.
-- Sweet. Making tea, Gina?
The smile fades, slightly.
Title: Halfway Up Mount Kilimanjaro
Author: arjuna_lj
Prompt: 11:00 / punctual
Fandom: The Bill
Chrono: post-Ep #306
Pairing: Gina Gold/Amber Johanssen
Rating: PG
Words: 100
It happens again, soon.
Amber is shallow, ignorant and thoughtless. Thick as a skip full of housebricks, to
use Smithy's expression. Which makes her a king-size administrative headache.
Doesn't change the colour of her eyes under tungsten, or the way her hand in Gina's
hair assumes an almost gravitational force.
Something about her motives doesn't sit right, but that's easily forgotten in bed.
Attentive and provocative, somehow *unconstructed*, she's never in doubt that Gina
will bloody well do as she's told.
Amber takes liberties. Gina encourages it. Given the risk she's taking, there'd be
no bloody point if she didn't.