Title: Endings
Fandom: RPFS
Pairing: Gillian Anderson/Dana Scully
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
Disclaimer: Gillian is an entity independent from my word processor.
“So many actors are Leos.”
“I don’t believe in actors.”
But really, she’s wondering if this is a twisted kind of sign.
“Come on Dana. It’s my birthday.”
Sometimes, Scully forgets why this terrifies her. The blonde is an inch shorter. She’s younger. And she sure smokes like the future isn’t worth a damn.
As she strokes her fingers along Gillian’s thigh, she tells herself the world is slowly ending. She can’t stop it, whatever’s coming. So she kisses her, birthday champagne still fizzing in her mouth.
There are only six Augusts left. Scully is going to enjoy this one.
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