Title - Pop Rocks and Cola
Author - Bat
Fandom - Harry Potter
Pairing - Hermione/Luna
Prompt(s) - #192 - crazy
Rating - G
Word count - 100
Summary - Hermione is afraid of trying something new.
"This is insanity. Pure madness, Luna!" Hermione said with a shaky breath.
"Madness? It's really not that bad."
"This is crazy. I won't do it." Hermione huffed.
"Crazy?" Luna looked at Hermione in amusement. "They call me Looney Lovegood and this is crazy?"
Biting her lip, the Gryffindor stared at the blonde. "Sweetie... You are a bit... Off."
Luna quirked her eyebrow. "Am I now? At least I'm not afraid of trying something new."
Groaning, Hermione turned back to the objects of her turmoil. "But I really don't want to know if pop rocks and cola make your stomach explode."