Challenge #39, take two

Oct 23, 2005 22:20

Title: Editor
Author: giantessmess
Fandom: Law and Order: SVU
Pairing: Alex/Olivia
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 250
A/N: Silliness about smut. Crossposted to alex_liv_lovers

“Olivia removed her lustful jacket. Alex licked her lips, her eyes were a luminous hue of…”

“Which case is that?” Alex leant over her shoulder, Olivia shrugged.

“Just ….nothing…”

Alex gaped at the page, before Olivia could stop her. “But…but you hate it when I watch porn….”

“Ok, you buy guy porn.”

“I don’t,” Alex frowned.

“It isn’t…I mean, I can change our names.”

Alex grabbed the notebook, then frowned again. “Heels…heels….glasses…what, they aren’t cerulean…”

Olivia snatched it back and glared.

“And how did we get naked so suddenly? Where did my skirt go? Do you know how annoying your jeans are to slide down? It’s like you grow them on.”

“Fine I’ll write The detective’s jeans got stuck and tripped her up. Happy now?”

“Jesus,” Alex shrugged. “Calm down. I just thought that, well...”

Olivia exhaled, and slammed the book shut onto the table.

Alex flipped it open. “The ADA moaned as Olivia’s fingers teased her, Alex begged for release…. Oh, you wish.”

“Fine. It sucks. Give it back.”

“No.” Alex read further. “Hey, this is pretty….oh..” She quirked her lip. “We have to buy that. There certainly aren’t enough toys in erotica.”

Olivia couldn’t subdue her grin, “Just wait for your birthday.”

“You know...” Alex mused. “You could change our names…and a few other things. Base it around a television relationship.”

“You mean fanfic?” Olivia snickered. “Well, only if I get to be Xena.”

Alex raised an eyebrow. “I’m anticipating lots of leather.”

"You're as bad as Gabrielle."


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