Title: The Strange Case
joelthecatPrompt: strange
Fandom: Sanctuary/Dr. Who
Pairing: Helen/Donna
Rating: G
Word Count: 250
Summary: memory alteration beginning to fail
"Dr. Magnus," the man said, "thank you for coming."
"So what," she asked, "is so strange about this case that you dragged me all the way to the London Sanctuary?"
The woman didn't appear all that strange. A pretty flaming ginger, tall, nearing middle age, with beautiful blue eyes and quite kissable lips.
"The patient presented with depression after the death of her husband."
"Nothing strange about that," Helen said. She smiled at the woman. "How long has it been, then?"
"Six month." She had a clear voice with a state school accent.
"The conventional psychologists," the doctor continued, "found evidence that her mind has been manipulated."
"I'm right here," the woman said.
"Has anyone been at your mind?" Helen asked her. "A hypnotist, perhaps?"
"No. Not that I know of, but I wouldn't, would I?"
"Perhaps not."
"I get these dreams sometimes. There's a bloke in 'em, a Scottish bloke."
"Was your husband Scottish?"
"No. The dreams make my head ache and sometimes I get fevered."
"That is strange," Helen admitted.
"Listen to her chest, Doctor Magnus," the doctor said.
Helen took the stethoscope and pressed it to the woman's back. She started in surprise. The doctor flipped on a light box and pointed at the x-ray. Helen stared.
"You," she said to the woman, "have a vestigial second heart." Helen couldn't think. "Doctor, would you get... I'm sorry, dear, what was your name?"
"Donna," the woman said, "Donna Temple-Noble."