Batman Beyond: Bobbi "Blade" Sommer/Dana Tan, bitch MCU: Jane/Sif, stone Orphan Black: Cosima/Siobhan, Pussy Riot
(I figure Batman Beyond can be tagged as DCU or Batman, but put in a seperate drabble tag listing category? Only because so many of the characters are limited just to Batman Beyond, unlike other DCAU series)
I'm completely clueless about what does and doesn't count as separate fandoms when it comes to DCU so I am happy to go with whatever more knowledgeable people like you think. :) But if you want me to make a 'fandom: batman beyond' tag, I can? If that would be helpful/appropriate?
Batman Beyond: Bobbi "Blade" Sommer/Dana Tan, bitch
MCU: Jane/Sif, stone
Orphan Black: Cosima/Siobhan, Pussy Riot
(I figure Batman Beyond can be tagged as DCU or Batman, but put in a seperate drabble tag listing category? Only because so many of the characters are limited just to Batman Beyond, unlike other DCAU series)
Harry Potter: Fleur/Gabrielle, disappointment
Streetighter II V: Cammy/Chun Li, assassin
Tekken 2: Angel/Jun, salvation
NCIS: Ziva/Abby - Cultural Misunderstandings
Criminal Minds: Emily/JJ - Hair Dye
Harry Potter: Ginny/Hermione - X-Ray
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