Title: Whispers
Drabbletag 5 - Language
Fandom: MCU
Pairing: Natasha/Jane
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 158
She's always thought that Russian sounded harsh from anyone except her spy--and she can't get enough of it from Natasha. There's an art to coaxing it forth, she finds, pushing Natasha close enough to the edge with fingers and tongue and soft words that the walls slip, ever so slightly, until her voice is edged with need and lust that make warmth curl pleasantly in the pit of Jane's stomach.
It's better, she thinks, when Natasha smiles in her sleep, whispers words Jane barely catches. Her name is in there, sometimes, and she runs her hands through curling red hair, half-asleep and completely in love.
Do you dream in Russian? she asked her once, and Natasha bent down to press a kiss to her lips, smiling just enough that Jane can feel it.
Only the happy dreams, Natasha had replied.