Title: Infallible Wolf-Senses
Author: pickledminx
Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Pairing: Belle/Ruby
drabbletag 5 - lost
Rating: G
Word Count: 250
Summary: “You have no idea where we are, do you?” Belle finally says - because she’s sure they’ve passed that same exact stump six times, before.
“You have no idea where we are, do you?” Belle finally says - because she’s sure they’ve passed that same exact stump six times, before.
“Of course I do,” Ruby protests. She pauses to scan around, sniffing the air. Then, seeming to pick a new direction at whim, she forages ahead through the bramble. Belle follows, as she’s been doing for the last few hours; trusting in Ruby’s ‘infallible’ wolf-senses. But really, they should have brought a map. “We’re…”
“Completely lost?”
“I don’t get lost.” Ruby shakes her head.
“Look, maybe the Enchanted Forest just smells differently than it did before. It has been thirty years. And, all of these curses and un-curses might have -”
Belle is cut off mid-ramble when Ruby grabs her hand and pulls her along, at a run, up a short hill and through a dense overhang of damp evergreen branches. They emerge in a small clearing, followed by a steep drop-off.
There’s nothing but wide open sea before them, tinged with dancing shades of red and pink. The sails of a few ships are silhouetted against the crescent of burnt-orange sun on the horizon.
It’s completely breathtaking.
“See? I told you I’d find it.” Ruby beams, proudly. “I used to come here to change, sometimes. It’s a good place to howl at the moon.”
It’s not a full moon tonight, though - so they simply just stand there, Belle leaning into Ruby, hands still woven together, as they watch the sun slowly disappear beneath the waves.