Title: Lighting Your Way
Fandom: NCIS
Pairing: Ziva/Abby
Rating: G
Word Count: 156
Once she had locked the door behind her, she leaned against it with eyes closed. It had been a long day and she hoped that Abby had been able to get away from work before she did. Especially considering Gibbs had kept her, Tony and McGee up until two in the morning. No doubt he expected them to be bright eyed and brushy tailed in the next five or so hours. Brushy? She wasn’t sure about that one. She’d have to check with Abby.
She cursed as she narrowly avoided stepping on a candle. Great. All her mentors from Mossad must no doubt be suddenly berating her in their minds.
Blinking herself back into focus, Ziva realized that there was in fact a trail of candles… leading towards the bathroom.
At the end of this trail was Abby. In the bathtub, surround by another plethora of candles and bubbles.
‘Finally, you’re back. Get in here, David!’