Title: 24 Hour Pancakes
Drabbletag5 - breakfast
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: America/Kate
Rating: G
Word Count: 241
Music drifted up from downstairs as Kate slipped out her window, still wearing the sleeveless dress her father had given her the week before. She leapt lightly from the rooftop to the spreading branches of the elm tree below, then to the street beyond. The car waiting in the shadows started the second her feet touched the ground, headlights flickering irritably.
"What, tired of the party already?" America asked, rolling down her window. Kate rolled her eyes and yanked the door open, falling into the passenger seat with a noise of relief.
"God, don't even ask. Just get me out of here."
She shot Kate a look that said that bad, huh? "Whatever you want, princess."
They moved off through the night, America's car making sounds of protest every few feet. (Kate strongly suspected it wasn't her car anyways, but didn't say anything.)
"I'm hungry," she said abruptly, glancing sideways at America just in time to see the brief smile.
"For anything in particular?"
America swung the steering wheel hard to the left with a squeal of rubber, nearly spilling Kate out of her seat. "I know a good place," she said over Kate's squeak of protest. "Serves pancakes twenty four hours a day."
"Sounds like my kind of joint." Kate hesitated, then leaned over to kiss her softly on the cheek. "Thanks for the rescue, America."
"Yeah, whatever, princess." But America smiled again, tapping her fingers on the steering wheel as they pulled into the parking lot.