Title: Short and Tall
Fandom: Orphan Black
Pairing: Alison/Marian
Rating: G
Word Count: 125
Note: AU as hell.
Alison has always known she's short and yet, as she stands staring up at Marian she doesn't much mind the height difference. She is smiling as she moves closer. She knows that she should probably be nervous. She is a little nervous, she recognises that, but she's not as nervous as she should be. This woman holds no fear for her, she's taller, thinner and sounds incredibly serene but Alison can see what lies beneath. She is just as broken as Alison, just in a different way. She is smiling as she bridges the gap between them, waiting silently. Marian soon bends, kisses her and all but lifts her to settle her on her desk. Alison smirks, she'd always known she could find someone new.