Title: Cat and Mouse
Author: Temari778
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Pairing: Azula/Mai
Prompt: Edge
Rating: PG
Word Count: 216
Summary: The cat lies in wait.
Note: It's not unfinished, I just typed the end that way. :)
The roof of the unfinished building she's standing on is unstable and wobbly. Light as a feather, Mai leaps off the edge with one foot, and while still in the air, looks briefly to see if Azula is still in pursuit behind her. She isn't.
As Mai lands with quiet 'thump', she looks left, right, then straight ahead. She instinctively clutches a small knife, her hand hidden in her sleeve.
Azula must have headed in a different direction when they started jumping from building to building.
Mai wonders, why didn't Azula try to cut off when she on a building, force her to go the other way, and do the same thing over and over until she was exhausted? Like a predator weakening their prey.
Now that she was on the ground, she--
"Look up!"
Mai barely has time do dodge the flame, the heat of it warming the side of her face.
She almost loses her balance, but catches herself in time, but not before Azula takes advantage of her brief distraction, taking another swipe at her. But, Mai sees it coming, throwing her knife, aiming for (hopefully) her shoulder.
Of course, she misses, Azula, who momentarily surprised, leaps out of the way, her long nails like daggers as she comes at her again, and--