Title: "Whipped Cream"
Author: Swan_Secrets
Prompt: Once Upon a Time: Snow White/Emma - dessert -
requested by
demokaFandom: Once Upon a Time
Pairing: Snow White/Emma
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 182
Note: Incest
Emma Swan got entirely carried away with the can of whipped cream, completely covering Snow's tits.
They were both laughing.
Emma leaned in to take a lick and as her tongue contacted with the cream Snow grabbed the back of her head and pulled her down to her chest.
Emma jerked back. Snow laughed louder. Emma's face was smeared all over with cream almost like a face mask, her mouth and eyes wide in surprise. "You...bitch!" Emma couldn't maintain a stern expression and in her laughter she grabbed the can of cream and despite Snow's half-hearted resistance sprayed the fluffy cream all over the left side of Snow's face.
Snow pulled her in for a messy, creamy kiss, their bodies came together the cream making their breasts slippery and wet.
"This is my kind of dessert," Snow moaned. Emma started licking the cream from her cheek, her hand going down between Snow's legs.
"You're always my kind of dessert," Emma sucked and licked the sweetness from Snow's skin as her finger found her clit.
A sweet and sticky orgasmic night followed.