Title: Betrayal
Author: Sweetness (aaronlisa@gmail.com)
Fandom: Buffyverse
Pairing: Buffy/Faith
Rating: FR13
Prompt: #43 (leaving)
Disclaimer: The Buffyverse belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
Word Count: 167
The news that Faith had turned to the Mayor hits Buffy hard and she’s left with doubts at Faith’s betrayal. The blonde Slayer can’t help but wonder what it is about her that causes all of her lovers to turn evil. First Angel and now Faith, at least with Angel she can rationalize that it was because of a curse that they broke when they slept together. And Faith’s betrayal hits her even harder than Angel turning into Angelus ever did because she had thought that the brunette was different than everyone else in her life. Buffy had believed that their shared destiny had united them in a way that was special, that went beyond what she had shared with Angel. But the mocking smirk just reminds Buffy that no matter what sweet words that Faith had whispered to her when they were locked in one another’s arms in the throws of passion had meant nothing. When it comes down to it, Buffy will always be alone.