Good news and not so good...

Nov 29, 2007 22:47

Good news first, because it's long and I don't want to have it affect how you see the bad news :/

First is the copies of Look at Star and Top Stage for this month came in--I bought them because both had articles for the play Wasshi and Nagayan are going to be in. Only Look at Star, though, had them in the same article.

And would you guess what the boy is wearing:

I think we all know what shirt that is 8D

Another shot--this was the same day they took shots for the FC photos where he's wearing the shirt, too.

Next good stuff is MORE MORIDAIKI CAPS OF LOVE. There are actually more than I have here, but I'm too lazy to load them all XD So I'm upping the best~ Well, first the HILARIOUS pics from inside the haunted house.

Daiki's face. I DIE.

NOW onto the love. Eiji feeding Daiki melon by hand...

...and then taking a bite himself out of the same slice.

Daiki...showing us interesting things he can fit into his mouth.

I mostly capped this for Eiji's English XD "OH! OK!" <--his response to Dan the Horseman's warning (in English) that he needed to watch his head or he'd hit it on the sign.

Eiji listens beautifully XD I also loved the revelation that, after all this trial and tribulation communicating in English, turns out Dan is, in the words of Leader, "MECCHA PERA PERA YO, NIHONGO!" I want Leader to tell ME that ;_;

And now...the cream of the crop. On their way to the sea, Eiji makes a stupid comment, and Daiki deals him his new punishment of choice--a smack on the head (seriously, he does this SO much in this DVD XD)

So in retaliation (?) Eiji decides to rile him up a little in giving his comment...via kissy faces and blowing in his EAR wtf XDDDDD

This could not NOT be icon'd:

Daiki suspects something.

And turns to try and catch him.

Who, me? Whatever seems to be the matter, officer?? *innocent*

And now...the bad news >_> EIJI STILL SMOKES.

Closeup of Eiji--cigarette in hand.

And that looks like a pack of smokes in front of Daiki >_> Ugh, dammit. Either they still just do it occasionally, or they've kept it well hidden for the past few years. Eiji said in Panic Days 1 he'd quit, and Daiki said he WAS quitting. Somewhere along the way, something messed up -_- Bah.

moridaiki, naipani

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