Random: Eiji forgets to take a pic all through the TeniMyu interview all day, but blesses us with a shot of
The Wife. Torn between being depressed and ecstatic :/
DVD is ripping and will be up some time tomorrow buuuuuuut until then, some caps!
I'll touch on this again later, but it really is a little frightening how well these guys pull off chicks sometimes :P
Yuzawa-saaaaan :D
The only female Angela, this chick's voice is WEIRD. I thought she was messing with it for the camera, but I'm pretty sure she talks the way she does here all the time o_O Super high pitched and squeaky...
I liked her huge fake boobs though XD
Takahashi Hiroki! aka Kikumaru's seiyuu~
I think he looks kinda hot in normal clothes tbh :P
RUI RUI~~~~~~~ He was definitely one of the cutest Angelas, and his is the show on the DVD~ :D
*pinches cheeks* oh you~
And now the Angela you've all been waiting for~ :DDDDD
He made a big show of squeezing his boobs XD He seemed so fascinated with them obviously a bad influence from hanging around Eiji too much
Little hard to see here, but he's making a goofy face with his tongue sticking out......while holding a quite morbid sign :P
Now the best XD During the intermission, Angela and KobaKen always had a fun little bit. Here, Nagayangela tries to lift up KobaKen's invisible skirt XD
In this part, Angela always did some little adlib during the intermission, after which KobaKen tells her to do it again somewhere in the second act. Maria always gets mad at her for doing this and...is often violent about it :P
Nagayangelaaaaa~ ;_;
Nagayangela shows off her shoubu pantsu XDDDD
And tempting Maria's fate again...
Oww XD
The happy married couple :D
Kime!Angela is ready to go~ :D
Quite girly, too :D He was probably the girliest one next to the ACTUAL girl, who apparently said Kime was her biggest rival XD
Remember what I said earlier about the guys pulling off being girls really well? :P
Yah 8D
Now, the following series of images are not for young eyes, so....close them and scroll down quickly if you're a minor 8D
Grace walks in on an, erm, interesting situation between the Piroshi and Nagisa couple 8DDDDD
...........LULZ J/K
A while later, Piroshi emerges, still clad in his "playtime costume" >)
As you can see, they're ready to take on anyone (yes, Besshi DOES have on nipple clamps, an that IS a whip Kujirai's holding)
*SNAPS* (imagine the scream Besshi let out after this, please :P)
Her husband is taking too long to get back into the bedroom, so Nagisa smacks a bitch.
Ruiruiiiiiiii~ :D I love this face XD
KobaKen shakes his groove thang at curtain during intermission. You can see his clothes scattered around XD
Ruito's intermission mostly consisted of him being cute and stupid and innocent and giving KobaKen a hard time XD;;;
At the end of his segment, KobaKen gives the audience a thrill...
Just as I shall end this picspam on an equally high note XD