Under this sort of plan you can be fined for not carrying insurance. (all well and good that they'll raise the level you can qualify for Medicare or if you are under a level
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Few things are as SPLENDID ::sarcasm off:: as pretending to sound chipper, cheerful and friendly on a phone as well as every person in and out the door all while feeling like complete and utter ass.
Do I have a problem when as I enjoy one of those gooey filled Worther's Original butterscotch candies that I think to myself this'd be GREAT with a Baileys filling (for really reals, not just flavored)?
Ah, I love Prince Kheldar, Silk, from David Eddings' Belgariad/Mallorean series. Quick, just the right amount of sarcastic, and has a wonderful view on mornings
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The whole page is on differences but I wound up having to look up ~ise v. ~ize after reading 'organisations' in this article about the Gmail outage yesterday. I almost tweaked out that journalists should really
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Ever have those days where what should be easy work continues over and over to have issues? Missing info, wrong info, info that needs to be changed but that person is already on vacation... /sigh
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