Yup...I'm bored...again.
I believe it's the girlyness meme....or something to that effect.
○ Name? Cassandra
○ Height? Somewhere between 5'3" and 5'4".
○ Age? 19, but not for long:D
○ Tomboy or Girly girl? Depends.
do you...?
○ Like metrosexual boys? Wha?O_o That's a random question to ask right off the batXD
○ Like accessories? Depends on the type of accessory. If it's cool looking, maybe.
○ Like high heels? No, I only wear them if I have to.
○ Like matchy matchy, or mix and match? Mix and match...although if anything it's more like mix and don't careXD Haha. Naww...I try...sort of:S
○ Spend a lot of money on beauty products in general? No. That's for anime, manga, and drawing supplies.
○ Shop online for clothes? If so, what stores? No. Cuz I'm small and skinny which is notoriously hard to find clothes that fit well for. And for shoes, I end up between sizes AND my feet are narrow. Soooooo finding those is a nightmare.
○ Steal style ideas from friends? I dunno. Not really. I just wear whatever I feel like wearing.
○ Article of clothing in your closet? My RAWR kitty shirt of course:D
○ Makeup line? Dun use any. So...no idea.
○ Skincare line? Whatever doesn't make my face break out.
○ Perfume? I actually hate perfume.
○ Colors to wear? Usually black and blue...sometimes red and brown.
what stuff...?
○ What is a trend you dislike the most? Hmm...I can never think of it when I want to...but I know it when I see it.
○ What is your fashion philosophy? I dunno.
○ What kind of shoes do you like? Just running type shoes.
○ What is your biggest fashion problem? I'm too skinny and short. So stuff in the junior department rarely ever fits as it should.
○ What old trends do you think should come back? I dunno. I don't pay much attention to trends.
○ What one piece are you dying to add to your wardrobe? Hmmmmm....cosplay stuff.
○ How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? No idea. I don't keep track. But I think it's affected by the amount of sleep I got.
○ Ever been to a fashion show? No, and don't particularly want to.
○ Would you ever go out in public without makeup? Every dayXD I hate wearing makeup:S
○ Who do you think has great style? Most people...maybe not 'great' but tasteful....sometimes.
○ If you had a fashion budget of 1 million dollars, where would you shop, and why? Somewhere where I could get all kinds of cool Japanese clothes:D
○ If you had to pick one designer to wear for the rest of your life, who would it be, and why? Got me:S
○ Wanna tag 5 people to do this too? No thanks.