[FIC] GrimmUlqui: World's Greatest

Sep 03, 2011 10:08

My love for Ulquiorra began at first sight. A lot of people laughed at the idea, but I was firm and I said I’m going to marry this person no matter what. The ridiculing didn’t cease since I really didn’t know anything about him except for how he looked like and I really can’t blame them, but my heart was set. I told them to watch me do it ‘cause I’ll make them eat their own shit once I’ve done it. I swore to them that they will.

They did.

I have my own world when I’m not arguing with anybody, locking myself in my room and drowning myself with my one true love: Ulquiorra Schiffer. Secretly, I would write him letters I’d never send, collect things I know he personally likes so he’d feel close, and even daydream about him and the things I would love to do with him. They either came as list or a made-up story on each page. Every inch of my treasure was filled with him.

One time, I gathered just enough strength to send him a letter. I did and he replied a week after. He was nice. I fell in love with him even more.

In order to get Ulquiorra, I worked hard day and night in personal ways and through the internet. I was in every single place that he too was at, but kept a safe distance as to not freak him out. It was a slow-paced plan, but Ulquiorra was worth it and it worked the way I wanted it to. Soon I was able to establish a good relationship with him which started by short hey’s and hello’s that soon became how have you been’s and when’s your next free day’s. It felt awesome.

At this point, everyone began to mess with me less ‘cause their noses were getting closer and closer to their smelly shit, and I said just wait a few more months and they’d get what was coming to them. I am a good man of my word, aren’t I? Their horrified faces were fucking priceless.

Ulquiorra and I became good friends soon enough. At least every month we’d squeeze out even just an hour out of our busy lives for us to meet. The fact that I wasn’t the only one who wanted us to see each other always made me feel a step closer to having my dream become a reality. It wasn’t some false hoping. Getting close to Ulquiorra was really happening.

Then that day came when in every moment he was out to the public, I was right there beside him. My speculators grew bigger in numbers. They were no longer only my friends, but every single one who knew Ulquiorra... which was a lot. It felt as if half of the world was watching us. For a moment it scared me, but it didn’t take long for me to find my old pride when Ulquiorra reached out for my hand and I took it. We didn’t let go until we really had to.

“Grimmjow,” he began, his hold on my hand shaking and tightening, “Do you regret this?”

No. I don’t. I know I never will.

I remember when he first said my name. It felt like heaven.

We hold hands every time we feel even just a bit threatened and it would largely multiply our strength. We went through everything together and we made each and every one shut the hell up and just leave us to live our own damn lives. I made half of the world eat their shit. Imagine that. Felt really great in my part.

“What’s this?”

Then one day he found my treasure, my notebook, where I jot down all my loving words and my kind of a great time with him. He appreciated all of them. And the list I did about what I would want to do with him? We did them one by one all the while half of the word was gobbling up every inch of their brown-colored karma.

They laughed at me for being a fanboy with an impossible dream.

I laughed back at them because it wasn’t after all and now they’re eating shit.

fanfic: grimmulqui

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