I'm (finally) watching Farscape and am now nursing the worst crush for Aeryn Sun. Oh my God, she's just so kickass!
Let's just say I devoted a sizable chunk of my time watching this episode to hiding my head in my shirt and making agonised sounds. Seriously the whole needle-in-the-eye thing is my ultimate phobia. I. Just. Can't.
Also, NamTar may or may not be the creepiest creature ever. The part where he tells Aeryn to "push harder" on his arm because he swapped his pain sensors to pleasure ones joined my list of NO! moments straight away. Yikes.
The part where Aeryn confesses that she went back to see NamTar because she didn't want to be left behind is heartbreaking. Wow, I didn't think it was still possible for me to get so invested in a character I've known for all of nine episodes. It's been a while since this has happened to me.