Twitter Butthurt of the Week :o)

Mar 29, 2010 19:47

As anyone who follows me knows, the more someone tries to goad me, the harder my penis becomes the more I laugh at it. Here's two users whose butthurt makes me lol:

First is the sucker punch I got the morning after a night of heavy drunk tweeting - I wasn't the only one to find its randomness lulzy:

What list? GTFO. RT @MemoryAxis01 @fenrisfox May I be so bold, I'm against BDSM. So, remove me der fuck from your list. Comprendi? Good.

Why is this lulzy? Three reasons:

    I don't know this woman from Eve - to the best of my knowledge, I hadn't even followed her before.

    What list is she talking about? LOL, I had a few "proto-lists" started, but gave up when I realized I had too many people I followed. I have a "sex-positive feminism" list, but no "BDSM" list. :oD

    Forgetting those... those lists are as old as shit! I haven't modified them since Before Christ! XoD LOL

The tale of @Guilwolfie starts with me making three or four tweets about the Hutaree Militia - and how lulzy I found their fail - in the course of about ten minutes. This followed:

@Guilwolfie: @fenrisfox many damned tweets are you going to make on the same subject in the same half hour?!
@fenrisfox: @Guilwolfie Several thousand, surely.
[Obviously meant to be a joke - I had sent the last tweet on the Hutaree a couple mins before.]
@Guilwolfie: @fenrisfox Bye >_>
[@Guilwolfie blocks @fenrisfox.]

Oh Lawd, thee butthurt!!!!ELEVENTYONE!!! XoD - cracks up laughing -

This was exactly the boost I needed, as I was depressed before that. :oD

furries, twitter, cyberspace, drama, butthurt, lulz

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