Con and Cosplay 2009 - Take Two!

Feb 12, 2009 17:34

Alrighty then,

So earlier I posted my upcoming cosplay and convention lists on here, before actually realizing just how busy this semester would be for me!

So now it's time for Shiroi's updates!


First and foremost: A-Kon!!

Since the awesome staff who run A-Kon actually managed to have this one fall in between the spring and summer semesters of school, I've actually managed to get some of my friends to go with me this time! It's all the way up in north texas (Dallas) which for me is a good drive, but it should be well worth the trip! This is one of the BIGGEST cons in Texas (Oni-Con in Houston might be bigger but I don't think so) and will be a great opportunity to see some really creative cosplayers in action. Last year they broke the record for number of people dressed as video game characters and this year they are looking to break that record (I of course will be a part of this!)

A-Kon is basically going to be my graduation present to myself this year! lol :D

A-Kon Cosplays:

I've had a slight change of plans with this one, in that instead of bringing two Zelda cosplays, I'm bringing Ocarina of Time Link for the Zelda series, as well as Pridelands Sora (see above) for Kingdom Hearts. Ike probably won't be done by then, otherwise I would certainly bring him.

Up Next: Ani-Mix!

This should be a really fun con, especially since their catch phrase is: "Where anime and gamers unite!" Well lets see here, I like anime, I am a gamer, so that means that it should be just what I'm looking for in a con! It's a close con (only about 1 1/2 - 2 hours drive) and it seems like it should be a LOT of fun!

Ani-Mix cosplays:
Link and Sora again + hopefully Ike by this point!

...and finally to wrap up 2009 we have San-Japan!

Goal #1: Get pics of cosplays by the Riverwalk (most EPIC cosplay backdrop!!)

Goal #2: Send off my 2009 cosplay season with a DON!! (ok only serious anime nerds would get that reference!)

San-Japan Cosplays:

Dressing light is pretty essential for this con, so I'll probably wind up bringing Ike and my Anbu character. I'll keep Link and Sora Lion on reserve for sure though.

It's seems like I've forgotten something on this list .... something after San-Japan  ..... now what could come after San-Japan ..... ?

Well .... 2010 is after San-Japan .... and whats in 2010?

Why Otakon is in 2010! Really it is? That's awfully soon. Yeah it is.

Yep indeed, 2010 is the year of Otakon!! I'm actually crazy enough to make the drive all the way from Texas to Maryland (planes and trains can't accomodate 5ft Ragnel Swords) for this one!

This promises to be the most EPIC beyond all other EPICS of a con! (Did I mention it's going to be E-P-I-C!!!!!)

I finally get to meet up with everyone from here and coscom and I cannot wait!!

Koi, Wulf, Kirby, Kazu, Princess, and Tobias: WE ARE GOING TO ROCK THAT CON!!!!

Since this will be my one and only con for that year, naturally I HAVE to make it especially epic in terms of cosplay!

So I am actually brining not one, not two, not even three or four cosplays with me. Right now, the count stands at FIVE (I think I'll spend more time changing than I will at the con).

So here we go: 1) Pridelands Sora 2) Ocarina of Time Link 3) Ike from Fire Emblem 4) Wolf Link from Twilight Princess 5) ??? (It's a semi-secret) ;)

Anyway all, I hope everyone has an epic year for their cons and cosplays as well! [/ljcut]

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